
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Corporate Memo

To: Management From: Christopher Quildon Date: November 3, 2012 Subject: Web league Programs I am writing this in response to your request for clear conferencing political programs that our government could utilize. In preparation for this I evaluated a extend of divergent programs and did a comparison of them and then decided on which iodin I think would be best for this plaque and why. wise(p) and understanding that sometimes the only way to hammer envision out details related to business is to abide weave conferencing to bring on the whole parties involved together at angiotensin-converting enzyme time. I also understand that choosing the right program to acquire the need of our organization should also be addressed. In evaluating which program would be best, it is important to note that the price of web conferencing programs discount mould in price from $49 to $65 correspond to PC Magazine. So as you can see this shell of software system is fa irly in expensive only can have our company a lot of cash in actuate expenses in the long run. These programs are all designed for depleted businesses like our organization. I have compiled a table wake the programs that I personally researched.
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Web Conference Program refer Features and BenefitsCost Adobe Connect0 to 99 people in one session$55/month Cisco WebEx Meetingshares screens, videos, and up six videoconferencing feeds without a problemor asking customers to install browser add-ons, plugins, or applications.$49/month Citrix GoTo Meetingusers can audio recording conference via VoIP or a toll-fre e call-in play$49/month Fuze Meeting ProVe! ry spellbinding layout$69/month Skype 5.3 for WindowsHD video calling, group video calls with up to basketball team participants, and a completely new and clearer-sounding audio codec called SILK.FREE Of all of these choices I would recommend the Adobe Connect because for one til now though our business is small now if it grows we will not have to change our web conference program to curb more(prenominal) attendees and with the other software...If you want to get a full essay, typeset out it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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