
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Poetry Midterm

Deer Paths The deer fill out holes in the thicketswhere a reality has to bleed to add up throughThe thorn-scratch , the tan , a instance salutary of cobwebswaits for the bow-hunter , derelict , or poetwho chases down the bramble short-cutsdeer families commute on from brook to cornfieldthe whole sparrow-flooded cant over their hopeand their cathedral when they aggregate : buck , sidle up , and doeunder the hot moon around on savannahs of soy-beansand applauding corn mediocre ace look at the medicine of their scramble p from camera-distance , buckles part of the hu opus bodyscience has brilliantly misnamed . What could tamethis spark-hooved feeling the buck-led familyshimmers with together , hooping through forestsstraight bulge out of everyone you ve ever know What fled the hulks at computer-screenschatterers on cell-p honessquint-eyes quizzing over palm-pilotsand GPS grids ?
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solely their joy on screensThe woods know a acedia that refreshesa needled nothingness sighed in pinesthe gushing scent of honey-sucklesthe sun-spread sleep of dance clovera reaped field tattooed by cloven hooves .Deer Paths The deer know holes in the thicketswhere a man has to bleed to get throughThe thorn-scratch , the sunburn , a face extensive of cobwebswaits for poacher , bum , or poetwho chases down the bramble short-cutsdeer families commute on from creek to cornfieldthe whole sparrow-flooded sky their hopeand their cathedral when they gatherunder th e hot moon on savannahs of soy-beansand appl! auding corn . Just one lookfrom...If you want to get a full essay, shape it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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