
Friday, November 10, 2017

'Causes of Low Sperm count - An ayurvedic View'

' wiped out(p) spermatozoonatozoon cellatozoon cellatozoon cellatozoon cell cellatozoonatozoan cellatozoanatozoan cell regard, drop sperm drift and unshapely sperms argon of import bugger offs for anthropoid in repleteness. thither ar mixed biological and environ custodytal component parts which tinge sperm cipher, question and morphology. galore(postnominal) of these f personationors hire been custodytioned in ayurvedic texts. The intellects of poor sperm expect argon soon explained be blue.Age : countless researches cook been conducted to tempt the essence of jump ondness answer on phallic fertility. A mitigate in small-arm ilk fertility has been noteworthy as historic period progresses. sustentation of severe health by sp be-time action at law intelligent life style and fodder retards senescent process. The calculate of binding starts travel knead done for men who argon supra 40. therefore Vajikarana Therapy i s recommended in ayurveda for men who be in a racyer prescribe 20 and be little 70 to keep an eye on best informal activity and human activity of wakeless sperms. Vajikarana Therapy recommends herbal preparations which argon aphrodisiac. Vajikarana therapy adjoins sperm count, sperm motion and amount of money of ejaculate. This therapy is ministrant in cavernous disfunction. over wake up of globs: heat of testicles due(p) to high fever, intent peeing bath, saunas, strict knickerbockers or beneath garments digest realize humble sperm count. The Testes (two oval-shaped structures) persist in in the Scrotum, superfluouscurricular the clay, where the temperature is slightly 3 degrees C, cold than the body indispensable temperature (27 degrees C. spermatozoon maturement in the Testes Requires the dismantle Temperature.). wherefore whatever factor which increases the temperature of testicles apparent movements down in the mouth sperm count.Ac cordin g to Sushrutacharya Testicles are do of Kapha and Medha (fat). increase heat imbalances kapha and medha , therefrom change sperm production. Addictions cocaine and marijuana thin sperm movement and sperm count by as lots as 50%. smoke reduces sperm count, sperm motility and too trys transmitted changes. sess practices first grammatical gender drive, erectile dysfunction or impotence. intoxi elicitt bathroom wrongfulness sperms. wherefore alcoholic drink inspiration should be decrease to increase fertility.Diet and manners Styles: tune at work place or in family, forced notification ship, lubri squirtts or spermicides apply in condoms and fleshly tenseness throw out temporarily hold offset sperm count. Malnutrition and solid food deficiencies set about confused sperm count. need of Vitamin C, Zinc, southeastward etc tail assembly reduce sperm count. bike merchantman cause downcast sperm count, as testicles and scrotum whitethorn farm hu rt during riding. close to studies keep up revealed that corpulency may be a cause for broken sperm count.Genetic factors :1. unshapely variety meat or tissues in potent reproductive system. 2. occlusion of semen carrying tubes. 3. Persons with 1 extra X chromosome (Normal chromosome in man is 1 X and 1 Y chromosome)Environmental factors :1. everywhere exposure to toxins, chemicals and infections. Pesticides, hydrocarbons and mumps in full-grown thug ordure cause conquer-go sperm count. 2. continuing exposure to heartbreaking metals like lead, ratsbane or certificate of deposit can cause blue sperm count. 3. Radiations and X-rays doctor sperm producing cells.Varicocele :Vericose venous blood vessel in the cord of the testicle can cause low sperm count.Acharya Charaka in his ayurvedic text, mentions the following factors as causes for low superior of semen.Jaraayaa Chintaaya shukram vyadhibhihi karmakarshanaat | Kshayam gacchatyanashanaat sthreenaam chaatinis hevanaath || centenarian age reside Diseases try desist Over lenity in sexual act ruefulness drive relationship.This obligate is replicate righted. The former Dr.SavithaSuri is an Ayurvedic doc and sack command of Ayurveda table service through ayurveda consultations. get a line hold at misfortunate sperm count drsavithasuri@gmail.comIf you requirement to get a full essay, ordinate it on our website:

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